Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fun with stereographic photography

...Stereographic photography (or stereo photography for short) involves taking two slightly different pictures of the same scene so that viewing them in a certain way produces a 3-dimensional image. ...

Comment: I'm not sure if any of the members of the Wright Camera Club do stereo-photography....but here's an explanation that's pretty simple to follow....as an optometrist who specialized in binocular vision I find this topic interesting. The author of this website notes that 10-15% of the population won't see the stereo affect...that's probably because they have some eye coordingation problems....if the eyes do not work well together, stereopsis (AKA 3D vision) is the first to suffer. Take a look and let me know if you've tried producing any stereo photos and how it worked out! Dominick Maino

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